Rebearth was set up by myself, Becky Little in 2015, following a serious illness that made me re-evaluate everything. While I still love to build, I have come to understand and appreciate a deeper motivation behind my work with nature, people and place. This involves an artistic and ecological exploration of materials and a desire to raise awareness, curiosity and wonder. I recognise the value of my age and experience and my ability to engage with a broad range of disciplines from science and geology to performance, craft and visual art. A rich seam of ideas and expression is possible where disciplines overlap.
As we face overwhelming environmental challenges I hope to harness the power of creativity to illustrate and explore the connectedness of life. My work in both art and building speaks directly to the fallacy of nature as a “resource” separate from ourselves. It also explores the health giving qualities of materials such as clay and plants and the way we can become absorbed and uplifted when we use our senses and intuition. This is especially true for people who feel excluded or challenged in some way. As well as finding my own sense of identity and joy in working with earth I am now striving to bring the benefits of this creativity to others. Art rooted in place can create a sense of belonging and an appreciation of what it means to be human in a “more than human” world.
I can only offer a glimpse of what we do in these pages but you can find more about our work via the social media links, by reading my blog or by contacting me directly. I look forward to hearing from you.